prevention international No. 1, 2017 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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prevention international No. 1, 2017

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prevention international No. 1, 2017

Cover / Editorial / Content / Curaden believes in prevention like no other company in the world / Søren Jepsen: Even in advanced countries, many people have difficulty accessing oral care services / Maurizio Tonetti: “Prevention makes excellent economic sense for the dentist” / Proper breathing is important / Periodontal health and systemic conditions / The oral microbiome and overall health / Why interdental brushes are essential for good oral health / How chairside molecular saliva diagnostics boosts oral and systemic health / Digital diagnostics in practice: Leading Perio Prevention Centers® in Europe / The role of prevention in implantology / The importance of saliva testing for prevention / Profit from prevention / Shifting the paradigm to prevention at home / Effective patient motivation and recall management / A shift in biofilm management / Corrie Jongbloed-Zoet : “The prevalence of caries and other oral diseases is a worrying trend / How to put prevention into practice / Interview: "We can try achieve good oral hygiene together" / Healing by relieving muscular congestion / Imprint /
