roots international No. 1, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots international No. 1, 2014

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roots international No. 1, 2014

Cover / Editorial / Content / Mineral trioxide aggregate revisited: A cement for all seasons / Apexification withmineral trioxide aggregate (MTA): A case report / “A” sequence of irrigation / PHAST PIPS: The photoacoustic wave of the future? / Fifth-generation technology in endodontics: The shaping movement / The rationale and use of electronic apex locators / Apex locator more precise than CBCT / New endodontic imaging mode from Planmeca yields detailed imageswithout noise or artefacts / AmericanAssociation of Endodontists organised Root Canal AwarenessWeek for the seventh time / International events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
