DT UK 3308 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK 3308

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DT UK 3308

BDA fights the good fight / ‘Botched’ reforms fail 1.2m people / Clawback payments reach £120m / Social network site launch / DDU awards the innovative teachers / Editorial comment: Making a stand / Cornwall throws £50 - 000 to waste / GDC warns against bone harvesting / New president for BACD / New regulations for Welsh private dentists / Cumbrian preventative care / Titanium breakthrough for the Welsh / More NHS dentists for Cheshire / Implant course takes off / The BDA hands out awards to the profession in style / A flexible friend / Thriving in an economic downturn / EDUCATIONTRIBUNE - Humbled to meet you … / EDUCATIONTRIBUNE - Exploring the gaps / EDUCATIONTRIBUNE - I’m watching you / EDUCATIONTRIBUNE - Queen’s School takes the throne / EDUCATIONTRIBUNE - The power of attraction / EDUCATIONTRIBUNE - 21st century learning / ADI BIENNIAL IMPLANT TEAM CONGRESS - ICC Birmingham 7-9 May 2009 / EDUCATIONTRIBUNE - Reflecting on what you do / Converting to private practice / Industry News / Periodontics / Events: Dental professionals flock to implants in an hour session / Classified /
