DT UK No. 26, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK No. 26, 2012

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DT UK No. 26, 2012

News / Performing Dentistry: Neel Kothari discusses UDAs and Associates / The British Society of Dental Sleep Medicine: Dr Roy Dookun discusses Sleep Apnoea and the BSDSM / Social Media Marketing: Rita Zamora discusses why some have got it all wrong / Getting the right website for your referral practice: Adrian Adler looks at why you need a good website for your practice / Why improving your practice is a mystery – part 12 / Providing care for those with special needs / Why would you use the EndoVac? / High lip line treatment: a case study and recent developments / Supporting diabetic patients with their oral health / Industry News / Dental Tribune UK Editorial Board / Classified /
