roots C.E. No. 4, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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roots C.E. No. 4, 2014

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roots C.E. No. 4, 2014

Cover / Editorial / Content / From everyday dentistry to advanced photoacoustic endodontic applications (PIPS): Er:YAG & Nd:YAG dual wavelength laser / Control the anatomy; control procedural training / LVI Core I three-day course is designed for doctors and their teams to learn together / Peter S. Weber is named executive director of AAE / How much money are you wasting? / GentleWave: Multisonic Ultracleaning System / An industry-first solution from Planmeca: Imaging - CAD/CAM and dental units in one software / FKG revolutionizes endodontics with BT-Race sequence for a biological and conservative treatment / Imprint /
