DT U.S. No. 14, 2011 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT U.S. No. 14, 2011

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DT U.S. No. 14, 2011

News / Want long-term patients? Address the obvious … / Shade matching for indirect restorations using a remote laboratory / ‘Fall’ into the California Dental Association meeting in San Francisco / 10 things not to miss in San Francisco / DTSC Symposium at the Greater N.Y. Dental Meeting / AACD Scientific Session registration now open / ‘Ride the Wave to Success in Dentistry’ at the Yankee Dental Congress 2012 / Organization News / ‘Focus is extremely important in a start-up’; Interview with entrepreneur Jake Winebaum / DentalBanc payment model increases practice revenue / Products / Hygiene Tribune /
