DT South Africa No. 1, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT South Africa No. 1, 2014

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DT South Africa No. 1, 2014

MDM launches new look website / International News / Interview: Research with the SYSTEM Initiative / Interview: Dentistry working with the internet and technology / The ITI expands its educational offering / The challenge in the aesthetic area from the surgical aspect Dr Schneider / Glass-Ionomer teeth fillings are not inferior to silver amalgam ones – a new study shows / A-dec celebrates 50 years of “quality through caring” / Stratasys 3D printing added to 3Shape Implant planning and guided surgery solution / Dentists to address global concern over antimicrobial resistance at IDEM Singapore / 3M ESPE named ‘most innovative’ for ninth consecutive year /
