ceramic implants international No. 1, 2020 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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ceramic implants international No. 1, 2020

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ceramic implants international No. 1, 2020

Cover / Editorial / Content / Prosthetic complications after artificial ageing / Biological guided bone regeneration and ceramic implants - The first of a two-part series / Quality deficiencies of sterile packaged implants Sterile and yet dirty? / Zirconium-dioxide as preferred material for dental implants - A narrative review: Part I / Surgical aspects of two-piece ceramic implants - A solution in compromised bone sites / The key to optimal implant aesthetics / Immediate restoration with one-piece zirconia implants Fabricating removable interim prostheses / Single-tooth restoration of an upper molar with a ceramic implant / Patent™ zirconia implant system - A case report / Industry / Manufacturer news / Interview: A new solution in the field of digital workflows / Interview: ISMI and IAOCI join forces / Interview: Ceramic implantology in Europe Initiating change and creating synergies / Events / News / Imprint /
