DT UK 3208 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK 3208

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DT UK 3208

Fluoridation rage gains momentum / Scottish dental access crisis / Dental Tribune moves ‘leaps and bounds’ / Credit crunch hits ADP / ‘The more the merrier’ say Sunderland dentists / Empty rooms ‘a crying shame’ / Editorial comment: Roll out the evidence / BMA calls for ‘Dr’ ban / Guilty dentist launches appeal / Free Oral cancer checks / Prosthetic dentistry prize / Advanced training for UK dentist / NHS dentist for Swindon practice / Orthodontic nurse wins Nurse Prize / GDPUK round-up / No show charges to hit the Welsh / Dental students treat patients / The Sceptic presents The case for… and against Solo practice – making it on your own / Doom or boom? / Complying with the code / BDTA Dental Showcase / Working in harmony as a complete dental team / Political progress / Help your team earn 20 hours of CPD with the BDTA Certificate – Introduction to Dentistry Course / John Davis receives The British Dental Trade Association Award for outstanding contribution to the dental industry / The BDTA website can help you / Motivating the motivator / ‘Shosholoza’ as we say in Africa… Go forward! / The effects of enlarged adenoids on a developing malocclusion / A matter of fairness / Chairs/Delivery systems / Industry News / Events: Dental Tribune special offer / Classified /
